

The Management Board is made up of six members. Two members are selected by the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), two are selected by the oil and gas industry and two are selected as members-at-large representing the public interest. Members are appointed by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. The Chair is selected by members of the Board.

Chair - Andrew Applejohn (GNWT)

Andrew Applejohn is the Senior Science Advisor to the Government of the Northwest Territories and is responsible for developing overarching science policy and implementing the government’s research agenda, working with local, regional, territorial, national and international agencies.

As the Director of the Aurora Research Institute, Mr. Applejohn was the Science Administrator, responsible for issuing science permits for more than 1,000 research projects, many of which provided key information for the Mackenzie Gas Project as well as other oil and gas exploration programs across the NWT.

He was a member of the team, which delivered the Mallik International Gas Hydrates Research program from 2002-2009, and acted as the operator of the drilling operations in 2007 and 2008.

Mr. Applejohn has served on a number of advisory committees related to northern research and development including the federal Environmental Studies Research Fund, the Program for Energy Research and Development, the Northern and Northern Regulatory Research panels, The Science and Technology Advisory Committee for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station and a number of committees and panels focused on various aspects of Northern science.

Vice Chair - Ken Hansen (Industry)

Ken Hansen has worked as Project Manager for the Northwest Territories Canol oil shale play at Husky Oil Operations Limited, as well as for the Chedabucto silica industrial  mineral deposit exploration project, located on the north arm of Great Slave Lake (Whitebeach Point).  He joined Husky in 2003 and has worked on a wide variety of international and Canadian frontier projects.

Mr. Hansen has also worked on various western Canada and frontier exploration projects at EOG Resources, Hunt Oil and Shell Canada.  He has more than 30 years of experience in oil and gas exploration. 

He holds a M.Sc. degree from the University of British Columbia, a B.Sc. from the University of Alberta. and is registered as a Professional Geoscientist with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists. He is also an active member with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.

Dr. Ray Case (Public)

Dr. Ray Case is a longtime Northerner and NWT resident growing up in both the Yukon and the NWT. He retired from the Government of the Northwest Territories in 2014 after a long and productive 33 years serving in various roles in wildlife research and management. This included three years as Director of the Environment and three years as Assistant Deputy Minister-Policy and Strategic Planning with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Dr. Case has a PhD in Wildlife Productivity and Management from the University of Alberta. During his career, he has conducted and managed numerous wildlife and environmental research projects including the supervision of four graduate students.

He participated in, and supported, the co-management of renewable resources by providing information and advice to the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT) (member), the Bathurst Caribou Management Planning Committee (member), the Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board, the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board, the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board, the Wek’eezhii Renewable Resources Board (member) and through other regional, territorial and national partnerships.

Dr. Case played a leadership role in the GNWT assessment of impacts on wildlife and wildlife habitat and follow-up monitoring of non-renewable resource development projects, including three diamond mine environmental assessments, and the assessment of oil and gas exploration and development proposals, including the Mackenzie Gas Project.

He also has experience as a proponent in environmental assessment processes as the former GNWT lead for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.

Chad Grummett (Industry)

Chad Grummett has worked with Imperial Oil for over 20 years, joining the company straight from the University of Calgary where he received a Bachelor of Commerce degree majoring in Marketing.  Early in his time with Imperial, he held a variety of roles across a number of business lines within the Fuels Marketing organization throughout Alberta.

In 2011, Chad joined Imperial’s Environmental & Property Solutions organization as a Regional Commercial Manager focused on supporting the remediation, reclamation and redevelopment of Imperial’s former operating properties in Alberta, Manitoba and the NWT.  During this time, he successfully returned over 100 properties back to productive use through a number of innovative partnerships combining commercial and environmental best practices. 

Between 2019 -2022, Chad took the unique opportunity  to head up Imperial’s review of renewable power initiatives and played a key part in enhancing Imperial’s ESG strategy, negotiating Imperial’s first Renewable Power Purchase Agreements and advancing plans for future development of renewable facilities on brownfield properties.  In 2022, Chad returned to E&PS as the Senior Advocacy Advisor and is focused on many projects nationally including key projects in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and the Sahtu Region.  Chad lives in Okotoks, Alberta with his wife and two kids and enjoys countless hours with them at hockey rinks, lacrosse fields and golf courses.

Viktor Terlaky (GNWT)

Dr. Viktor Terlaky is Manager of Energy Geosciences at the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS), Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT). He started his career at the NTGS in 2016 as Senior Energy Geologist and moved into the Manager of Energy Geoscience position in 2021. During his tenure at the NTGS Dr. Terlaky has worked on various energy geoscience projects, including unconventional hydrocarbon reservoir characterization in the Central Makenzie Valley and geothermal reservoir characterization in the Liard Basin.

Dr. Terlaky is an Associate Editor for the journal Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience published by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, member of the Board of Directors – Director of Northern Canada of Geothermal Canada, and member of the Steering Committee for the Atlas 2027 project (successor to the Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin).

Dr. Terlaky has a doctorate in Geology from the University of Ottawa. His thesis work focused on the deep-marine turbidite systems of the Windermere Supergroup, BC, Canada. He also completed a M.Sc. in Geology and B.Sc. with Honours in Earth and Environmental Science at McMaster University. Dr. Terlaky’s scientific interests include siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy.